Credit Debt Elimination Tips Anyone Can Use!

Get The Debt Elimination Answers You Need, TODAY!

Review credit debt elimination tips, step by step guide to settling credit card debt. Total credit card debt elimination anyone can use to eliminate excessive credit card debt. Are you debt wise?

We show how by paying off your home, credit cards, car loans and other debts the slow, old-fashioned way you may end up with a few thousand dollars saved for your retirement years or by using the unique debt elimination tips revealed here, you can stop living pay-check to pay-check!

Can You imagine what it will feel like, when you wake up one morning and absolutely know that all of your debts have been completely eliminated.

What Everybody Needs To Know About Credit Debt Elimination!

By not using these tips, shows how millions of Americans are living on the edge of financial disaster surviving only on the hope of next week's paycheck. The average American is dying under a load of bills, with little or nothing building in the bank or in investments.

Now let, credit debt elimination tips, show how we've been misled!

See for the first time how the entire way our economy works, is designed to make you work yourself to exhaustion -- simply to accumulate wealth for the companies you do business with -- Not For You.

The most staggering example of this is a home mortgage. If you bought a home with a 30-year conventional or adjustable rate mortgage, you will pay for that loan about 3 times over. Just multiply out your payment times 360 months and you will see that the total is about 3 times the value of the money that you borrowed.

Say you buy a $250,000 home, with a $200,000 mortgage, you will end up paying about $600,000 over 30 years. This means that you will pay nearly $400,000 dollars in interest! Just for the privilege of using their $200,000.

At credit debt elimination tips -- we show how you will have to work -- week after week -- year after year -- to earn $400,000 --- Just so you can give it to your bank to make them rich and you poor!

Credit Debt Elimination Tips, Show's how bad it really is to use bank cards and to make only the minimum payments!

Suppose you bought $2,000 worth of furniture on a typical (19.8% interest with a $40 annual fee) credit card, and you paid only the minimum monthly payments requested by the bank card company (here's why they only ask for a minimum payment), it will take you 31 years and 2 months to pay it off.

Credit debt elimination tips

Plus--In addition to the original $2,000 cost of the furniture -- you would have paid $8,202 in interest,(if you make the minimum payments) just for the privilege of using their $2,000! That's five times the furniture's value! Long after you had thrown the furniture out, you would be draining your wealth away paying for it.

According to a study by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 96% of Americans never achieve financial independence. They end up depending on charity, family, government welfare or they're forced to keep working just to survive!

Why turn your hard-earned money over to the bank card companies? When you don't have too. Follow a proven settlement plan!

A new survey by the American Bankers Association found that 45% of bank card holders with incomes between $50,000 and $100,000 never pay off their balances. Many others don't even make the minimum payments and fall behind on the interest. (Palm Beach Post, Oct 7, 1998)

At credit debt elimination tips we show how the average American will make over $1,000,000 in his or her working lifetime, and will have as much as 67% to 80% of their money Legally Stolen from them in the form of many different types of federal, state, local taxes and interest on borrowed money!

Are you tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck, month-to- month, making minimum payments, with little hope of ever getting ahead?

Simple credit debt elimination tips you can start using today!

  • Eliminate your debts today.
  • Write down everything you purchase, determining where your money is going is half the battle on your road to becoming debt free and critical to your future financial success.
  • Pay cash money whenever you can.
  • Cut up and cancel all your bank cards, Using a debit card instead of a credit card gives you all the convenience of a bank card but withdraws money immediately from your checking account.
  • Never fall into the habit of making only the minimum monthly payments.
  • Put money-saving tips into practice, when possible shop at outlet malls, wholesale clubs and take advantage of any and all coupons.
  • Consider the total cost of purchasing goods and services on credit and compare that with cash savings. And you will pay cash every time.
  • Compare the interest charged on your debts with the interest earned on your savings and investments. You'll find it makes more sense to resolve all debts before beginning a savings or investment program.
  • Debt consolidation loans, be very careful your monthly payments will be lower, but you may lose in the long run, because those lower monthly payments will be spread over a longer period of time!
  • Bargain for a better deal: Don't be afraid to negotiate with your creditors many will be willing to Freeze your interest on your outstanding balances in return for automatic monthly payments.
  • Don't promise away your future income by cashing out part of your retirement savings early to pay down your current debts. You will have to pay current federal and state taxes, plus an early withdrawal penalty on that money. You are borrowing against your future, just to pay your current debts and to continue Living a lifestyle beyond your means.
  • Avoid filing for any type of bankruptcy at all cost.

If You Read Nothing Else - Read This!

With credit debt elimination tips, learn how to make all your monthly payments, really work for You.

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