Hi <>,

Wow! I wasn't quite prepared for the overwhelming response I got as a result of my last message regarding Howard L Moreland's new book on fixing your bad credit and smashing all your debts. And I feel a little embarrassed now because I haven't had the chance to personally answer everyone who has been e-mailing me about this.

So in order to make sure I haven't left any outstanding questions -- and to let you in on a little bit of "inside information" -- here is a list of the top 3 questions I received in the last few days about Howard's brand-new book, "My FREE Credit Repair"...

FAQ #1 -- "I have a ton of negative things on my credit report. Will this book still be useful to me?"


Yes! Definitely... Howard gives you every letter to fit every situation (including yours!)...

Heck, he even gives you the Federal Consumer Protection Laws that will take care of everything for you so all you need to do is fill out the forms in the spaces provided and mail them off to the places Howard tells you to!

And once Howard blasts you through the basics and makes it all really painless for you, he helps you get started so that you can benefit from his years of experience as your very own -- even if you now have the very worst credit ever!

FAQ #2 --"How do I know Howard's not full of hot air? How can you prove these 2 "magic" letters will actually work for me?"


Good question... I know I'd be asking this, too, since 99% of the information you get about credit repair from the "so-called" experts is based on theory and myths (or even worse: outdated information) that they're all passing around.

Look, Howard started helping others back in 1990 (and after having helped himself out of his own credit troubles) and made $11,000 his first week in business doing this... He's going to give you the exact same letters he's successfully used now for well over 10 years making it possible for you to fix all your own credit & debt troubles free starting within just 5 minutes of opening "My FREE Credit Repair!" – and since these simple "magic" letters are the same ones he's used, you stand to risk nothing, but gain only good credit and being put ahead of the game for a well- deserved change.

So you'll be able to compare your results to the exact degree of success Howard has enjoyed... How's that for proof?!

FAQ #3 --"So just how much is this going to cost me?"


OK, this is the "inside information" I was talking about... Because this is a brand-new product, and because Howard is anxious to get some feedback on the book from my subscribers, he's agreed to offer a limited-time $300 OFF savings – but ONLY until he's sold the first 500 copies!

I just got off the phone with him, and Howard tells me that he has already sold over 268 copies, so there isn't much time left to take advantage of this BIG $300 savings. After he sells his 500th copy, that's it — you'll have to pay full price! No exceptions.

So do not hesitate! Go to...


All the best and have a terrific season!

vincent dail

If http://MyNetMarketingCenter.com/r/freecredit/black5oh/ takes you to a "SOLD OUT" page, it means that the first 500 copies have been claimed. You'll be directed to a new site where you'll have to pay the full price.

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