Debt Elimination Program
The Top 7 Questions You Must Ask Before You Start Any Consumer Debt Relief Programs!

Legal debt elimination program learn how to pay debts down and legally get out of debt, 7 questions you must ask before you start any consumer debt relief programs or government debt relief programs!

How to pay debts down legal debt elimination facts. Today too many people are finding themselves in financial difficulty and looking for ways to legally get out of debt.

There are a variety of consumer debt relief programs available to the consumer which can allow them to eliminate debts legally and start down the road to bring their finances under control.

Along with a legitimate debt consolidation program there are a number of scams online, so it pays for the consumer to do their homework before settling on any one given method.

According to guidelines set up by the Federal Trade Commission, here are some points to be aware of when choosing a debt elimination system:

Debt Elimination Program Facts - Debt Elimination Secrets You Can Use Today!

1. Check out the reputation of the program with the Better Business Bureau in the state and city in which the company has its headquarters. See how many complaints exist against this company and how many of them are successfully resolved to the satisfaction of the consumer.

2. Be aware that some debt consolidation programs are nothing more than a back door way leading to bankruptcy, something which the consumer wants to avoid if at all possible, as it will affect your ability to receive credit for up to ten years. In recent years, bankruptcy laws have been significantly changed to make it more difficult for the consumer to use this as a step to get rid of debts.

3. Be aware that sometimes employees of consumer credit agencies who are advising you to buy certain services may get a commission if you opt to register for those services. Many credit counseling organizations get additional commissions from creditors if you register with a particular debt elimination program.

The Federal Trade Commission advises that if the organization will not reveal what commissions it gets from creditors, or how employees are compensated, go somewhere else for help.

4. Be aware that most utility companies do not participate in any sort of debt management program, therefore they will not participate with credit counselors or management programs no matter what these organizations might claim.

For this reason, you might still find yourself facing shut off notices if you are behind in payments and if you do not work out individual repayment plans with each utility.

5. Since many of these credit counseling companies and debt management programs handle your most sensitive financial data, find out what kind of privacy policies and privacy protections are in effect. If these companies are unwilling to provide guarantees to protect this information, move on.

6. Take a careful look at what the total amount of your credit debts are. If you're finding yourself paying higher fees due to late payments, it may be an intelligent move to access the equity in your home to completely pay off these credit cards, especially in light of the fact that most interest rates for outstanding balances can run as high as 34% per credit card versus 6 1/2% for a first or second mortgage on your home's equity.

Be careful though when choosing the amount you wish to borrow. Borrow just enough to pay off your high interest credit cards and loans. After this time, make a budget and learn to live credit card free.

7. Be aware of a debt elimination program or debt consolidation programs that offer you loans which offer a total of 125% of the available equity in your home. According to HUD statistics, this is one of the fastest ways to lose your property should you experience financial difficulties in the future.

The FTC publishes a free series on credit and financial issues, including - Fiscal Fitness: Choosing a Credit Counselor and Knee Deep in Debts. They are available free of charge at, or by calling toll-free: 1-877-FTC-HELP.

Debt elimination program, have you had enough of working hard to make money ... just to find that your paycheck comes in one day and goes out the next to pay your mortgage, your loans, and your credit card bills?

The most important thing you can do to take control of your debts and get your future back on track is to do something. Take action.

Starting Today, you will have the debt elimination knowledge and power in your hands to easily change your life financially!

Debt elimination program! You can visit the Better Business Bureau's website and find reports on hundreds of Debt Elimination Programs.

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