Mvelopes Personal, 9 Sure Fire Tips To Debt Elimination Using The Money You Already Earn, And Not A Penny More!

Money for life mvelopes personal, creating a personal budget 9 sure fire tips and debt elimination secrets to creating a flexible budget using a debt reduction spreadsheet and the money you already earn!

Mvelopes Money For Life, 9 New Year's Resolutions!

You probably know how much money you made last month, but do you know how much money you spent? Or do you know how much money you have left to spend this month?

If you don't you're not alone, most people have no idea. The fact is most of us spend 10% more per month than we make. That comes out to $431 per month based on the average American income. No wonder the average credit card debt is now at $8,500!

Now is the time to get control of your finances, and take that first step down the path to financial fitness. Why not start this next year off on the right financial foot?

Money for life - spend less than you make!

  1. Mvelopes Personal Money For Life. Just like you can’t loose weight if you take in more calories than you burn you can’t save money if you spend more than you bring in. Spending less than you make on a consistent basis with mvelopes personal is the key to reaching financial fitness and financial stability. You can’t increase your savings, make investments, reduce debt or even make wise spending decisions if you’re consistently overspending your income each month. Forty nine percent of respondents, said they rarely, if ever, use to manage household spending. No wonder they have so many challenges with overspending, increasing debt and lack of savings. Put together a envelope budget system and make it one that works for you and your family! For a step-by-step process of how to make an effective spending plan, look in the book Money for Life. This e-book walks you through the process and explain the reason behind each step, in a way that anyone can understand. If you’d rather go the paperless route, it will help you to create an online family budget worksheet.
  2. Mvelopes personal program save more at least 10% of your income. Ever hear of the theory of paying yourself first? That’s basically what this is. If you make it a habit to pull out 10% for savings and investments for retirement, before you pay any other bills, you are actively working towards a better financial future for yourself. This 10% can include your 401k account if you have one, but be sure you are maximizing that option! It’s also wise to put an additional amount into savings after your 401k investment is made.
  3. Calculate your net worth. Do a reality check to ensure you are on the right track. Your net worth should be increasing each year, even if it is just by a small amount. The exercise of calculating your net worth can be very valuable as well people often discover accounts, investments, etc that they have forgotten about, or need to update. If your net worth has decreased from the year before, take an honest candid look at where you can make adjustments to improve these numbers. Consider increased savings. Even consider canceling every credit card you have if it means that you stop overspending and start saving. Be proactive in your efforts to get financially fit!
  4. Start an Mvelopes emergency fund. If you don’t already have an emergency fund, start one today! Your emergency fund should have a minimum of 3 months worth of expenses in it. This is your emergency money for a job loss, emergency repair, medical expense, etc. Keep these funds in a money market account or other high interest, easily accessible account.
  5. Reduce your debt with mvelopes personal. Use the debt roll down principle to quickly reduce your debt. Make a list of all your debts and prioritize them in order of interest (highest to lowest) or in order of the number of payments till payoff (fewest payments at the top). Once your first debt is paid off, roll that payment amount into the next debt on your list. Follow the same procedure when the second debt is paid off. You will not only reduce the number of years you will have payments, but you will also save thousands in interest if you follow this principle until you are completely debt free.
  6. Use credit cards for the benefits, not the penalties. If you use a credit card, only do so when you know that you already have the funds set aside to pay the balance completely when the bill arrives. Do not carry a balance on your card! It wastes money and ends up costing you a fortune in interest and finance charges.
  7. Make sure you have adequate insurance. We’re talking home, life, disability, health, property and even auto. Not too many other things will matter if you have no fire insurance and your house burns down. Thirty Five percent of respondents Survey stated that they either knew they had too little insurance or that they weren’t sure what their coverage was. Make sure that you, and your family, are covered adequately!
  8. Create or update your estate plan and/or your will. Whether you are single, married, divorced, kids or no kids you need to have the proper documents to make your wishes known. Update your beneficiary info on your retirement accounts, insurance, etc. Specify money that you want to give to charity through a trust or gift exclusion. When preparing a will reference an addendum in the will where you list who will get your various assets and personal property. Make sure all language is clear and as specific as possible so that your wishes can be carried out.
  9. Money for life Manage your mvelopes portfolio. If you have any 401k accounts from former employers, be sure you roll them over into an account that you control with Mvelopes Personal. Consolidation can also make your retirement accounts easier to manage, however, in doing so make sure you don’t jeopardize the diversification.

Take advantage of the New Year With Mvelopes Personal and get on the path to financial fitness!

Mvelopes Personal is an all new way to manage your spending, this revolutionary online personal budgeting system allows you to easily manage your finances and control your spending.

Have you had enough of working hard to make money ... just to find that your paycheck comes in one day and goes out the next to pay your mortgage, your loans, and your credit card bills?

The most important thing you can do to take control of your debts and get your future back on track is to do something. Take action. Starting Today, you will have the debt elimination knowledge and power in your hands to easily change your life financially!

Learn How to Easily Pay Off Your Debts Completely - No Matter How Much You Make or What You Owe. Using Only The Money You Already Earn And Not A Penny More! To Easily And Quickly Eliminate Your Debts, Click Here!

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